Part one is now complete as he made it to Hilo on the Big Island.
Here is Klaus' note and Hedley's email:
Jim, this is my latest communications with Hedley. He arrived in Hilo, Hawaii on Saturday, July 4 in the afternoon, after twentyfour and half days at sea. He arrived in good shape and spirits. No major problems ( the only items to repair was a restitching of the UV protection on his jib). He had enough fuel to run his engine every day for at least three hours to recharge his battery banks. He used the electronic auto pilot almost all the time and had his refrigeration on all the time assuring cold beers for the whole trip. He is planning on leaving either today or tomorrow for Riaitea, French Polynesia. That is a distance of approximately 2400 nautical miles from Hilo, Hawaii. Hedley is hoping to make better time and arrive in less days than he used to get to Hilo from the mainland.
Hi Klaus,
Have been in Hilo for just over a week now and plan on leaving tomorrow
or Wednesday - weather permitting.
The leg from Alameda was pretty uneventful except for about 2 nights
when the wind blew quite strongly. There were about 3 -4 days when the
wind was contrary and did not blow at all or, blew from the wrong
direction. I am hoping for better luck on the leg to Tahiti.
I drove around the island yesterday and and would not recommend Kona as
a place to go. It is a small artificial harbour packed with sport
fishing boats and nowhere to moor for visitors. I understand that if
you want to be lifted out with the Travelift, you need to book a time
and be there at that time. About 40 miles north there is another
harbour which offers much better shelter but has no facilities at all.
Nevertheless, if I have to come back to a harbour on the west side it is
to Kaui I will go.
A & B Fleet Services in Hawaii have been most helpful with some minor
items that needed attention and are presently helping out another
yachtsman who was towed into Hilo in a Valiant 40 suffering fuel and
transmission problems. He was going to go to Kona but I have suggested
he go to Honolulu instead.
I figure I will go to Riaitea in French Polynesia rather than Papeete.
I have been speaking to a guy who is pretty experienced in these waters
and he said theft was a big problem in Papeete whether you were on the
boat or not. Apart from that there is a proper marina at Riatea and I
know Donna will like that rather than mooring stern to.
Will away now Klaus. May I suggest you keep in touch with Donna as she
will know where I am. If at all possible I will email from Fr Polynesia.
Cheers and best,
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