An update from our fearless Australian client who is singlehanding his way home aboard the small, older used Beneteau he purchased from us.....
These are some emails received by his broker
Klaus Kutz:
Hi Klaus,
Hope you recieved my last email in reply to yours of July 28th.
Lots of hard work on Mirage III in the last so many days with Hedley having all sorts of problems with the wind and trying to get to Tahiti. He has sent me the following message to pass to you.
" After leaving Hilo was able to make some Easting but S of 4 Deg N became very uncomfortable trying to just maintain Long against 20/25 KT wind and 2KT current. Vicinity Malden Is gave up and headed for Apia. Arrive about 7 August.
Best Hedley "
Needless to say I will join him there, not as delightful as Tahiti I'm sure....maybe next time!!
Hope all goes well for you'
Hi Klaus,
Another quick message for you from Hedley......." Wind dropping and progress slowed, lightening ship by increasing beer intake, Cheers and Best Hedley."
Hello Klaus,
Somewhere along the line I have obviously offended the wind gods. The wind was out of sorts between San Francisco and Hilo but once I left Hilo the wind became positively venomous. I had hoped to make a lot of easting out of Hilo to enable me to have a good run past the Marquesas to
However, it was not to be - the wind was mainly from the E and once through the doldrums it was mainly from the SE. The effect was I made very little easting ex Hilo and once south of the equator, made none at all. It became obvious fairly early I was not going to make Tahiti however, I persevered for some days hoping for a change. Eventually, the pounding beat me and I gave up and headed for Apia in Western Samoa, where there is proper marina and which is where I am now with Donna.
The leg from Hilo took 25 days mainly because, for nearly a week, I was virtually becalmed in the SE "variables". The trip was uneventful, except for the breakages in the headsail furling line, caused by the furling line chafing against the sharp edges of the Harken drum. It is a poor piece of design, and I hope they have modified the feed - it is a simple job. As it was, when the line broke, it was during difficult conditions, and it was no help having the headsail extend itself fully.
The other incident concerned some whales a few days out of Apia I was horrified/delighted/horrified to see this whale following me about 100 feet behind the boat alternatively diving and surfacing . I thought he may be about to attack the boat but he left me alone and he and his mate eventually went off in another direction.
I expect to be in Apia for about 10 days or so, and then will press on to Noumea and Brisbane. I should be home by end September. I will be in touch again when I have some more news.
Regards to all in the office.
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