From her website:
Jessica's Mission
22,000 nautical miles, 7-8 months, one young woman alone, facing all that the sea and the weather can throw at her. This is the challenge that Jessica will overcome.
Why?, a whim?, perhaps an adolescent dream?…No, the same quiet determination and commitment that has seen Jessica achieve and maintain a solid academic level through distance education while building her sailing knowledge and experience will see her reach this goal. In her quest, to reach what is considered the absolute pinnacle of sailing Jessica will pit herself against mother nature and all she can deliver including the notorius Southern Ocean as well as the physical and pyschological demands of eight months alone at sea. In doing so, Jessica wants to show that even the most gentle among us can achieve great things and with determination and the support of those around us can live our dreams. Jessica hopes that her journey can inspire others to take that first step and be all they want to be.
When Australian Jesse Martin set the current record in 1999, he celebrated his 18th birthday during the journey. Jessica plans to set off shortly after her 16th birthday in 2009, returning before she turns 17, taking more than a year off Jesse’s record.
(World Speed Sailing Record Council, WSSR)
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